This morning began well; not only did our power pole survive the night, we also discovered a backhoe sitting at the edge of our property! With a 50/50 chance of rain all week, there is some concern about creating an enormous mud puddle, so Builder Brian explained that he would let us know if we would actually break ground. Mostly an optimist, I stayed nearby with the wee one until early afternoon, just in case we got the phone call.
It is sometimes hard for me to admit that I'm a control freak but, on days like today, I have to come to terms with this part of my personality, recognizing that my job is to defer to the experts. Unfortunately, we had our hearts all set for breaking ground today. We'd planned a picnic with the family and everything! We ended up eating picnic food around the dinner table instead. Therefore it was absolutely necessary to take an excursion to Bruster's for some soul-nourishing ice cream.
You..a control freak....NEVER!!!!! ;)