Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Groundbreaking Day . . . Again?

After dropping my girl off at school, wee one and I drove out to check on our power pole and anything else that could have been vandalized overnight. We pulled into the cul-de-sac and saw movement in the trees! After a moment, I caught sight of the culprit: a bulldozer!

There was only the one machine, steadily bumping back and forth in the woods. The wee one could hardly contain his enthusiasm for the "chack-ur" (that's "tractor" for those of you who don't speak toddler-ese), so we got out to watch and were treated to the delicious scents of pine and fresh-turned earth.

By the end of the day, despite quite a bit of rain and some nasty lightening, we had a beautiful driveway that even has some gravel!

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