They told me it would be like this. Yes. Yes, they did.
Each day revolves around permitting. If a permit is ready - or not, for that matter - I drop everything (except the toddler) and run for the county offices. Last week I obsessed over obtaining power and water. At this moment I'm obsessing over our septic permit, which is now the only one standing between us and our building permit.
Another day of craziness. After dropping my eldest off at Kindergarten (lucky girl!), I made a mad dash for hubby's place of employ that he might sign paperwork we were both too exhausted to remember to look at last night.
My handsome, normally sweet-natured boy was disappointed with our choice of entertainment today. I had decided that nothing would come between us and playgroup this morning; alas, it was cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, so we took the opportunity to travel to our new EMC, which happens to be more than a few exits up the highway. There we signed a single sheet of paper promising not to impede their employees from working on our property. He got a lollipop out of the deal, and that may be the only reason he didn't yell at me more than he did.
Called the Department of Environmental Health to check on my beloved septic permit, then realized that I'd missed a call from the builder! So....we're approved! BUT, I can't have it until the county gets an original copy with a RED stamp, not a blue one. That means talking to our good friend the Soils Surveyor again, which I've been attempting to do all afternoon. And, bless his heart, he just called me at 10 pm. Did I mention that I love my soils surveyor?
That building permit is close, really close.